If you are working toward saving money, one of the savings vehicles you may want to consider is a savings account. Savings accounts usually pay interest (although a relatively small amount) on the account, and your savings is generally protected by FDIC insurance. A savings account is relatively uncomplicated, but there are definitely some things…
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Plan for retirement?
Many Americans look forward to retirement as a time to pursue hobbies, volunteer, and travel. However, retirement can be stressful if you don't have enough savings to get you through many years without your normal income flow. Most individuals will collect Social Security benefits in retirement, but that is typically not enough and you should be…
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Create a budget?
To achieve financial empowerment, you should be spending less than you earn. Following this guidance is often difficult for many people, especially those who are unemployed or who don't earn a lot. Tracking your income and expenses and putting together a simple budget is a good first step towards spending less than you earn. Want…
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