Bank on: How to open and Maintain a Bank Account

Opportunity Center 316 Dixwell Ave., New Haven, CT, United States

BANK ON: How to open and maintain a Bank Account. Purpose:  Overview of Banking services, to help participants build a positive relationship with a financial institution. Objectives:  Identify types of insured financial institutions. Describe steps involved in opening and maintaining a bank account.  Describe two types of deposit accounts.  


Borrowing Basics

Opportunity Center 316 Dixwell Ave., New Haven, CT, United States

Purpose: Describe how credit works and helps participants determine if they are ready to apply for credit. Objectives: Define credit and loan, Identify the factor lenders use to make loan decisions. Describe how to guard against predatory lending practices.


Money Matters

Opportunity Center 316 Dixwell Ave., New Haven, CT, United States

Purpose:   Show participants how to manage their money by preparing a personal spending plan and identifying ways to decrease spending and increase income. Objectives: Lists steps for setting financial goals. Prepare a spending plan to estimate monthly income and expenses.  Identify ways to decrease spending and increase income.
